The Amazing Race Goes to OzFirst destination is Perth, Australia. Fran and Barry depart with a 19-minute lead on Joe & Monica. The older couple kindly donate $20 to the hippies, while the younger couple pretend to leave something. The Frat boys leave an IOU for $100, while Ray and Yolanda drop off a sawbuck. The Frat Boys make some sort of comment about how they quickly they get into women's pants. Overcompensating, guys?
On the way to the airport, the traffic picks up. The King is passing! Finally the traffic eases, and everybody but the hippies arrive in plenty of time. The latter group have noticed that there are a lot of hitchhikers in Oman, and they decide to pick one up--a Bedouin, no less. This works out well for them, as their rider buys them Snickers bars, mango juice and gas. But does Tyler kiss the guy, or is it just some nose-rubbing as it appears when BJ steps forward to get some hot Bedouin loving?
There's some drama as to whether they will get on the same plane as everybody else, and the Frat Boys and Team Mojo are starting to celebrate, when the Hippies saunter up the stairs. They use the time on the flight to beg money and manage to scare up $300, which is actually more than the other teams had to start the leg. Getting off the plane, Fran and Barry somehow slip behind everybody. The next task is to find King's Park, where there is a flame. This is a
World War II Memorial:

From there, they have to take a ferry to Rottnest Island and cycle to this lighthouse:

Fran and Barry remark on what great cyclists they are, but they do not seem to excel at the climb to the lighthouse and only beat one other team, Ray and Yolanda, and that by the slimmest of margins. The teams travel next to a beach where we hit the evening's Detour.
In Sand, teams have to drag a bunch of scrub brush through a beach area to help prevent it from eroding. In Sea, they must dive underwater to retrieve crayfish caught in traps. Sea looks to be obviously easier, although of course that is not accounting for the difficulty in searching around in the water for the right trap. On the way to the detour, though, Team Mojo gets lost and Joseph unloads on Monica.
At any rate, teams leave in the same order they arrived: Frat Boys, Hippies, Mojo, Fran and Barry and Ray and Yolanda. The Frat Boys are their usual obnoxious gay selves, commenting on how their speedos make them look hot, or some such nonsense.
Next objective: Freemantle prison.
The Frat Boys catch an earlier ferry back to the mainland. The Hippies decide to take a different ferry and cab it to the prison. Fran and Barry call for a cab to pick them up at the ferry, as do Joseph and Monica. Joe admits he'd steal the older couple's cab if it came down to that, but it doesn't as their cab is waiting and the older couple got stood up.
The Roadblock awaits at the prison. Teams must find an EveryReady Flashlight and batteries in Division 4, then make their way to the tunnels, where they will find the next clue. Finding the flashlights doesn't look too tough but everybody curses while searching for the tunnels. It certainly appears as if Tyler helps Yolanda in that regard, while Fran is still hunting for the flashlight. Final task for the evening is to find the Yacht Club and run out onto the breakwater.
The Frat Boys still have the lead coming out of the prison, but they make the mistake of agreeing to hoof it when Joseph and Monica's taxi driver says it's not very far. Phil said something like 1.75 miles. Joseph and Monica take the cab and barely beat them to the location, but are apparently overtaken during the run to the mat. The Frat Boys win again, with the Hippies finishing third. There's some of the usual BS about how the next to the last team (Ray & Yolanda) are lost, and maybe Fran and Barry will catch them. But in the end, the older couple are Phil-liminated.
Comments: I am really sick of the top two teams after tonight. I sure hope neither of them win it, although it certainly seems the most likely outcome. The Frat Boys are annoying with all the sexual banter (which seems inappropriate for the hour as well), and Mojo are starting to remind me of Lake and Michelle.
Upcoming: Hippies threaten to use the Yield on Mojo?
Eric's terrific
summary is here.