Why The Antiwar Movement Is Not Catching On Among Young PeopleEverybody's hit on the obvious, that
there's no draft.
"I think things are definitely different,'' says Emily Novick, a third-year engineering student at Cal. "I know there was supposed to be this huge protest earlier this year and they recruited really hard. But so few people showed up.''
Why? Well there is one obvious reason.
"I think the (lack of) the draft is definitely a key," says Spatz. "Today they are not impacted."What attracts young men? Young, pretty women. The face of the antiwar movement in the 1960s was Jane Fonda. Say what you like about her politics, she was certainly a protest babe:
Remember the Chirac Est Un Ver girl? Or the Lebanese protest babes?
Instead, the current antiwar movement has this as their centerfold:
You put a gal like the one below out on the corner, the next week all the young men would be talking about how they're going down to protest Chirac: