Moonbat Berg to Run for Congress--On Green Ticket!
More evidence of
our good fortune in enemies (Correction: opponents. Paul points out quite rightly in the comments that Mr Berg is not the enemy).
"I'm in this race to win," said Mr. Berg, wearing his standard outfit — jeans and an antiwar T-shirt — while seated in the cafe in downtown Wilmington that he uses for interviews, since his wife forbids members of the news media in their home. "But the larger point is to get more people talking about the war."
In a state where only 621 of 545,000 registered voters are signed up with the Green Party, Mr. Berg said he had raised a little over $5,000 of the $250,000 that his campaign director says he needs to be competitive.
As he bicycles across the state giving speeches at schools and churches and holding fund-raising house parties, he says he has found a receptive audience, not just to his call for an immediate withdrawal of all American forces from Iraq but also to the rest of his platform: universal health care, a livable wage and increased spending on education.The incumbent, Republican Michael N. Castle,
won reelection in 2004 with 69% of the vote, so obviously he'll coast to victory again. Berg just insures that the moonbats will split.