The Domenech KerfuffleI'm enjoying the outrage of the idiot left. Exemplifying this is Jane Hamsher, who employs her usual
level-headed tone in this post over at the Huffpo.
Just as the time of reckoning approaches and the Washington Post will, like it or no, have to take responsibility for all the flagrant, credulous warmongering it did in a fit of BushCo. access rapture, you guys hire the most thick-witted, mouth breathing home schooled freak you could lay your hands on. The respectable journalists who have managed to survive the Patrick Ruffini sycophancy of John WATB Harris, the jejune truthiness of Deborah Howell and the simple fact that one of the biggest stories of last year was how the paper's own superstar deceived you and then wouldn't talk to you about it are no doubt cringing in the bathroom stalls.Shorter Jane Hamsher:

What this reminds me of most is the
Susan Molinari incident. Molinari was a Republican congresswoman from New York who took a job with CBS after deciding not to run for a fourth term. Her hiring provoked a firestorm of criticism from the left, who worried that her politics would somehow unbalance CBS's well-known history of being completely non-partisan. Never mind that the chief political reporter at ABC is George Stephanopolis, former aide to Bill Clinton, or at NBC it's Tim Russert, former
aide to Mario Cuomo. CBS responded by putting Molinari in charge of the highly politicized home and garden segment of their morning show.
Michelle Malkin has a good
example of the idiocy of the commenters at Hatrios responding to Domenech's hire.