Air America Phoenix Tries To Get Back On Air--By Lying--UpdatesThis
would be hilarious if it weren't so obvious:
On March 1, 2006 our Air America Phoenix station was bought by a Christian Broadcasting company who immediately took us off the air.In fact, KXXT was bought out on or before February 1, 2006 (
this article indicates in late 2005), and the Christian broadcasting company that purchased the station allowed Air America a full month to try to locate a new home. But of course, that doesn't get people angry, so they've changed the story to make it seem like a brave voice of the "reality-based" community was silenced as soon as the God Squad took over.
Also see
Iowa Voice.
Update: Save Air America Phoenix changed the text to make it accurate:
On March 1, 2006 our Air America Phoenix station was taken off the air by a Christian Broadcasting company.But you can still see the
uncorrected text here.
As always, check out
Brian Maloney's Radio Equalizer for all things Air America.