John Hawkins Interviews Kate O'BeirneWith his
usual aplomb. Kate's book on the feminists,
Women Who Make the World Worse, is getting a lot of attention. She's a clear-headed thinker, as this snippet shows:
I do not believe the defense of America should rest on the shoulders of single mothers and teenage girls. Then, of course, we see the unique physical demands of combat. The plain fact is that the average woman is simply not as fast or as strong as the average man. The advocates for integrating combat argue that women should serve in any position the military has to offer, “as long as they meet the physical standards.” But in fact, women in uniform do not meet the same physical standards as men.
In the interest of integrating the services, every service has had to adopt gender norm scores for its physical tests to account for the fact that women simply aren’t as physically strong or fast as men. So those physical tests have been gender normed and physical standards have been lowered in order to accommodate large numbers of women.I remember reading a few years back that the required time for an 18-year-old military woman in the one-mile run was the same as the required time for a 50-year-old man. I can't find backup for that right now, but here are the air force
standards for the two-mile run.
Men Two Mile Run - 16:45
Women Two Mile Run - 19:45