Hillary Won't Run Says MacKinnonI
don't buy it.
The only way I could see Hillary not running is if the economy is running full steam and the Republicans look like easy winners. Of course, Poppy Bush looked like an easy winner in 1991, coming off the Gulf War, so you can't always predict these things well in advance. Remember, the only reason Bill Clinton got a shot in 1992 was that many of the top candidates from the Democrats stayed out of the race, thinking that they'd be better off in the next cycle.
If things are not grand and glorious for the Republicans, she'll respond to Kerry's question ("What states could she win that I couldn't") by saying that she'll win more states because more people are sick of the GOP.
She's running. Bank on it.

Patrick Hynes points us to recent
polling in New Hampshire.
In an early February poll, New Hampshire voters showed a clear early preference for Sens. Hillary Clinton and John McCain in the 2008 presidential primary.
According to American Research Group, which surveyed 600 likely voters in each party’s primary, 32 percent of the state’s Democrats favored Clinton, with 9 percent backing former vice presidential nominee John Edwards.
Nine other candidates received some support. Gen. Wesley Clark and Sen. John Kerry were at 7 percent and Al Gore at 5 percent. Evan Bayh, Joe Biden, Russ Feingold, Bill Richardson and Mark Warner were all at 2 percent or less. Just under a third of the voters said they were undecided.Gotta love it! Russ Feingold, the darling of the netkooks, is under 2%!