Cheney-Quiddick?David Ignatius draws
a silly parallel:
Nobody died at Armstrong Ranch, but this incident reminds me a bit of Sen. Edward Kennedy's delay in informing Massachusetts authorities about his role in the fatal automobile accident at Chappaquiddick in 1969. That story, and dozens of others about the Kennedy family, illustrates how wealthy, powerful people can behave as if they are above the law. For my generation, the fall of Richard Nixon is the ultimate allegory about how power can corrupt and destroy. It begins not with venality but with a sense of God-given mission.Let's see, is Cheney-Quiddick comparable to Chappaquiddick? Yes, if Dick Cheney had left the man he shot to die. Yes, if Cheney had been drunk like Kennedy was, but so far the only evidence on that front is "Of course he was drinking; he was hunting in Texas, where all hunters carry a hip flask." And of course it would be comparable if Cheney were a notorious womanizer, like Ted Kennedy. On that last front, a HuffPo'er has claimed (on the basis of a Sirius Radio show account), that the delay in reporting the news was so
Cheney's supposed mistress could get away.