Liberating the World, One Hippie Chick at a Time--Updated!
The odious 1960s radical Bill Ayers gets his
comeuppance from a former flower girl. This is a sad little story which contains some profanity, and if you think you know where it's going after three paragraphs or so, you're pretty much right, so you don't have to read it all the way through.
Many of the 1960s hippie chicks later formed the feminists, largely because the only position for them in the radical movements of the time was, as one revolutionary put it, the missionary position. Reading accounts like this, it's not hard to understand why the early feminists were so anti-male; they had been betrayed by the young men that the media put on a pedestal. And in the case of Ayers, still put on a pedestal. Remember, Ayers was the man who the New York Times, with deliciously bad timing, had a suck-up feature on his memories of blowing up the Pentagon, the weekend after 9-11.
Update: Our buddy John Ruberry has more on
Ayers' wife and fellow terrorist.