Impeachment Watch IIMark Steyn,
in must-read form, points out the hilarity of Barbara Boxer's muttering about impeachment.
This isn't a hypothetical situation. Consider Iyman Faris, a naturalized American citizen also known as Mohammad Rauf and nailed by U.S. intelligence through the interception of foreign-U.S. communications. He was convicted in 2003 for doing the legwork on an al Qaida scheme to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge. A "hardworking truck driver," he was introduced to Osama bin Laden while enjoying a well-earned vacation at a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan in 2000. At the request of bin Laden's aides, he researched the terrorist possibilities of "ultralight" aircraft. In 2002, he was commissioned by al Qaida to return to America and procure the materials for severing suspension-bridge cables and derailing trains.
Do you want Iyman Faris in jail? Or do you think he should have the run of the planet until he's actually destroyed the bridge and killed hundreds of people? Say, the Golden Gate Bridge just as you're driving across after voting for Barbara Boxer and congratulating yourself on your moral superiority.Meanwhile, you might have missed that this is
Impeach Bush Sunday; the day when a bunch of liberals are planning on putting up Impeachment posters, stickers, flyers, etc., all over the country. You might notice one or two if you live in San Francisco or Santa Cruz.
Meanwhile Lileks
comments on the 2006 elections:
Midterm elections went better than expected for the Republicans. The Democrats ran on the platform of “We’re not saying what we’d do with a majority, but it rhymes with Imbleach. Other than that, whatever. ” Republicans run on the platform of “Warrant? I got your warrant right here.” For the first time they sweep both New York and New Jersey. Despite the victory, Democrats were successful in blocking ANWAR drilling forever, insisting that the answer to shortages isn’t finding a new resource to tap, it’s reducing consumption.