Blogs for Heather Update
I've been kind of snoozing on the
Blogs for Heather thing since it's a full nine months from the election, but
Pam Meister's been on the job and has analyzed the campaign platform of Patricia Madrid, Congresswoman Wilson's opponent in the fall.
My post signing onto the
Blogs for Heather group is here. Heather Wilson is certainly deserving of your support. She was reelected in 2004 by eight percentage points, which means that the DNC will be targeting her in November as part of their effort to take over the Congress. Retaining her seat is absolutely crucial if we want to maintain control and stave off a House Judiciary Committee headed by John Conyers.
I'm not going to ask you for money now, but I am going to ask you for money later. Those of you who've been around since the Kerry Haters days know that we've been highly effective with your money; we passed the cup around for the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and for John Thune, two of the biggest winners in 2004.