Survivor Update--Slinging in the RainAt the start of tonight's episode, Jamie and Bobby Jon are still angry at each other. Jamie says that calling him no class is like saying he's white trash. Now that you mention it, Jamie...
The Reward Challenge is using an atlatl to throw arrows towards a target. Everybody will get some sort of dinner, but in decreasing order of quality, with the top finisher getting steak and lobster. Judd starts off and sets the standard, with nobody coming close to his throw. Jamie finishes about fourth, but he nobly asks Jeff if he can be bumped down to the bottom of the food chain, to atone for his bad behavior the prior night.
The dinners are indeed in descending order. Judd gets to invite two folks to join him at the head table, and he picks Bobby Jon and Steph. The other meals range from a plate of spaghetti to a cheeseburger to a slice of pizza. Jamie gets stuck with some nuts and boiled but dirty-looking water. Gary spooks Judd by staring at him as he pigs out and gets drunk. The next morning Judd has puked in the shelter.
One other reward Judd gets, though. It's a clue to the location of the immunity idol. Judd reveals to Steph that it tells him that the idol is not on the ground, then tells the rest of the tribe that it's on the ground somewhere. Gary tells Jamie that he will vote with Jamie's group if they just tell him who it is. Jamie responds oddly, telling Steph and Judd that Gary had told him that he was voting Jamie off. Jamie's acting weird and Steph and Judd definitely seem ready to get rid of him.
The immunity challenge is a balancing contest. The players start by walking a beam and untying two boards midway and then walking the rest of the beam. Only four are allowed to advance to the second phase, where the players have to place those boards between two ropes and make a bridge, reaching behind themselves to grab the last board and move it forward.
Here Gary is at a distinct disadvantage since with his height it's harder for him to reach behind and pick up the last board. Rafe and Jamie finish that leg and move on to the finals, where they have to cross over a pool on a pair of ropes. Jamie wins fairly easily, but Rafe provides a bit of comedy with a couple near falls followed by a full-on header.
So much for any thoughts of Jamie getting the surprise backstab tonight. It definitely looks like Gary's head is on the chopping block though, as a result of his supposed plan to vote against Jamie, so he goes out hunting for the idol. And then something interesting happens. He notices that Judd is doing the same, and he's looking in the trees, not on the ground.
So Gary starts looking in the trees, and sure enough, at Tribal Council he whips out the Idol. Amusingly a few moments earlier, Judd had claimed that he had not lied at all during the game, although of course he obviously lied. Not that Gary's can point a finger at him, considering how he's been lying all around about his background.
Bobby Jon gets voted off.