Team PlayerTo me it's something like the inevitable moans and groans when a pro football team drafts a player. Nobody really knows what the result of that draft pick is going to be. If the San Francisco 49ers had drafted Joe Montana with their first pick in 1979, everybody would have yelped that the choice was a reach, that there was no way to justify that selection.
And yet, with the benefit of hindsight, we know that Montana would have been a superb pick, and that in fact the 81 men picked before him in the 1979 draft were all horrific mistakes that cost the teams choosing them a chance at multiple championships.
There is no way of knowing if Harriet Miers is going to be a Joe Montana pick, and of course she doesn't have to be for it to be a successful selection. For me it comes down to trusting the people doing the choosing.
What about my fellow bloggers' reactions? Well, the problem is that there are people whose judgment I trust on both sides of the issue.
Michelle Malkin's opposed,
Hugh Hewitt's in favor.
Glenn Reynolds is opposed,
Lorie Byrd is in favor.
Aaron's opposed (somewhat),
Kitty's in favor.
But the draft pick has been made, and I'm a team player. Handing the Democrats a victory on this nomination would be a huge mistake.