Le Fraude on Le ValuesNot hard to guess the
content of this story from the headline:
John Kerry calls for reopening values debateLet me guess: Health care for all?
Kerry said he has continued to push for some of the things his presidential campaign talked about last year, including the “fundamental notion” that all children should have access to affordable health care.But get this:
“I can’t find anything in any religion anywhere, I certainly cannot find anything in the three-year ministry of Jesus Christ, that says you ought to take health care away from poor children or money away from the poorest people in the country to give it to the wealthiest people in the nation,” Kerry said.Yes, you see, because that money used to belong to the poor, but Bush gave it to the rich people. Not only that, but the poor people's children used to have health care (which of course is a euphemism for "health insurance").
Don't you love that? It's how Andrew Sullivan framed gay marriage as well; Bush is trying to take it away from gays. Never mind that gay marriage never existed in this country.