SUVs for Me But Not for Thee(Welcome fellow
Polipundit readers! Thanks,
Michelle Malkin has
an amusing story on the "assault vehicle" that the Sierra Club used to pick up Arianna Huffington and deliver her to a recent meeting in San Francisco.
That reminded me
of this post about Arianna (and fellow HuffPo global warming nut Laurie David) using private planes to fly around the country.
I'm sure Airiheadda and Mrs David could come up with good rationalizations. They're such busy persons, and with their words they can reduce the gas use of millions of people. So on a net basis, they're reducing greenhouse gases, even adjusted for the hot air coming out of their mouths.
By the way, do you know why Airiheadda is rich? She married a rich man, Michael Huffington, and later divorced him. Michael Huffington got his money from the family business established by his father, Roy M. Huffington. What sector of the economy was Roy M. Huffington, Inc., involved in? You guessed it,
oil and gas!
Update: Mr Snitch has some more examples of
celebrity environmentalist hypocrisy.