Still Time to Get Your Dem Slogan InHere's a couple of the entries so far:

While obviously needing a little more brevity, that entry captures the intent. Remember the original slogan from Oliver Willis was "Truman Dropped the Bomb". Hence, what I'm looking for are similar expressions of former Democratic positions that would horrify most liberals, but might be perceived (incorrectly) as a means of attracting conservative voters. "Al Gore's Daddy Voted Against the Civil Rights Act" might be a good example--liberals believe that all racists vote for Republicans, hence this might leech a few racist votes. It's somewhat similar to the gratuitous mentions of the sexuality of Dick Cheney's daughter by John Kerry and John Edwards. It also helps if the slogan seems like it would be ineffective due to faulty assumptions, and if it's somewhat politically incorrect, as in my "FDR Interned the Japs" example.

I agree that's what they're selling, just not sure it quite fits the contest. Here's another idea:

An appeal to Vietnam vets: John Kerry's just like you!