Rebranding the Democrats--A Contest!No kidding, Oliver Willis is
hawking tee shirts with this image:

It's not as stupid as it might seem. Yeah, the liberals like to claim that dropping the bomb was the greatest hate crime in the history of humanity, but they know that a lot of us sensible folks think it was a great way to end the war, with the least possible loss of life on both ours and the Japanese's part. Of course, I still don't see Ollie getting a lot of libs to buy or wear one in order to convince Republicans that Democrats can be tough.
So here's the contest: Using the image below, make up another muscular slogan for the Democrats. Here's a blank:

Here's my entry.

If you blog, trackback to this post or leave a mention in the comments and I'll link. If you don't blog, email me your entry. I'll close entries Monday evening and announce the winners on Tuesday.
Hat Tip: