Rats Deserting the Sinking Ship?Michelle Malkin
points us to the news that Katherine Lanpher, Al Franken's cohost, is leaving Air America. Lanpher has always struck me as the sensible person, perhaps not difficult considering the competition. The stated reason strikes me as a little odd:
Katherine has received a book deal from a new imprint at Time Warner to write a memoir of her move to New York.She moved to New York to take the job with Air Enron. It's been well-reported that Franken intends to run against Norm Coleman in 2008, which means the
show would be moving back to Lanpher's old stomping grounds in Minneapolis. And the two-week timeframe sure makes it seem more like a firing, probably (as Michelle hints) as a money-saving measure.
John at My Take on Things has a
hilarious and appropriate photoshop. And
Political Calculations applies the ten most common reasons businesses fail to Air America.