Speaking of Blogging At Its BestRick Moran has just been blowing me away with his posts over at
Rightwing Nuthouse. There are times reading his posts where I feel like he's Ward Cleaver and I'm the Beav. Every post seems to be a textbook example of terrific writing, intelligent thinking and the links to prove his case.
top post as I write this is about the duelling blogswarms on the Left and Right. He points out (somewhat to my surprise) that not everybody on the Left has gone nuts over the Cindy Sheehan story. Wonkette, of all people, has a very sane comment.
next post down he says probably the smartest thing I've read on her:
I have no doubt that Cindy Sheehan remembers her meeting with the President the way she described it two days ago on Air America. She’s not lying. She has replayed that meeting over and over in her mind and where she first thought the President showed compassion, she now sees flippancy. She re-runs every word, every gesture of the President’s and each time she does, she becomes more convinced that the President is an unfeeling, uncaring monster. The two descriptions may not sound the same, but they reflect what she actually felt back then as well as the way she feels now.