The Professional Grievance Monger Is BaaaaackFatina Abdrabboh
returns with another tale of woe about hijab prejudice in Massachusetts:
I can't help wondering if the fact that I'm identifiably Muslim through my hijab, or scarf, is so potent that the only response I evoke is anger.
Last month, while driving home from the airport, I managed to get lost in construction detours. I rolled down my window and asked a woman in the car next to me for directions: "Will this road take me into Cambridge?" I couldn't believe my eyes when she ignored my question and rolled up her window.If only it had been
Al Gore!
Hat Tip:
Michelle Malkin, who points to this
humorous fisking of Fatina.
Also, be sure to check out this hilarious fisking by
Bulldog Pundit.
But what's my excuse? Do my two gold chains, one with a cross pendant, and the other with an "Italian Horn", along w/ my gold bracelet mean that the people who haven't given me directions are prejudiced against Italians?