I'm Actually A LiberalHey, it's true that I support conservative positions, but I'm actually a liberal. The same way
this guy is a conservative.
The Cunning Realist bills himself as "A lifelong conservative with a strong independent streak..." He does have some outgoing links to a few conservative blogs and publications. However, looking through his posts, it is certainly difficult to find anyplace where he supports conservative positions. He opposes Social Security personal accounts, opposes the war in Iraq, voted for John Kerry (although he claims to have voted Republican in the prior several elections, including 2000), opposes the recess appointment of John Bolton....
He's not in the TTLB ecosystem, but he
is in Blogshares, and his profile makes it clear that those who link to him (who have a choice about it, as compared to those he links to) are about as conservative as Howard Dean:
# Eric Umansky (B$25,000.00)
# Blogging of the President (B$5,393.38)
# Whiskey Bar (B$2,460.86)
# Not Quite a Reputable Journal of Opinion (B$1,835.47)
# Nemesis Becoming @ LiveJournal (B$1,252.63)
# Timetheos (B$1,100.00)
# 1115.org :: uncommon common sense (B$866.86)
# Bubblegum (B$852.41)
# The Anonymous Liberal (B$841.26)
# Hosenpants - David Patton (B$808.68)
# Fouroboros (B$671.47)
# The Department of Louise (B$661.61)
# Huffington Blog (B$651.66)
# DJWriter (B$599.54)
# Swirling Planet Times (B$550.00)
# fractured nation (B$550.00)
# the dust congress (B$515.90)
# Cloudland Blue (B$498.29)
# The Duck of Minerva (B$457.50)
Now, I'm moderately plugged into the conservative blogs and know comparatively little about the liberal blogs. The ONLY two blogs I recognized on that list are Whiskey Bar and Huffington Blog (aka Huffington Post), which, of course, are not conservative. But surfing to those other blogs, I found not one that anybody would consider conservative. (Of course, in the next few days he'll show a link from one conservative blog).
So I'm calling BS on this one. He may at one point have been a conservative; he certainly indicates more than a passing familiarity with the writings of Bill Buckley. But I'd like to read a post over there that bears some resemblance to conservative thought; after spending an hour or so surfing around I couldn't find anything. It's not like he's Pat Buchanan where he's opposed to the war but finds common cause with President Bush on other issues.