Will the Gang of 14 Deliver?This is the big test for the moderate coalition that John McCain helped assemble. If they can prevent the filibuster from being used on Roberts, then we'll have to consider the McCain Mutiny a rousing success.
The key of course are the
Democrats in the gang:
* Joe Lieberman, Connecticut
* Robert Byrd, West Virginia
* Ben Nelson, Nebraska
* Mary Landrieu, Louisiana
* Daniel Inouye, Hawaii
* Mark Pryor, Arkansas
* Ken Salazar, Colorado
It will be key to watch these senators for their pronouncements on Roberts. Ted Kennedy and Chuckie Schumer really don't matter a whit. BTW, this probably explains why the reports yesterday on the supposed nomination of Edith Clement stressed the support of Landrieu. We can afford one or two defections from this list (Byrd and Inouye seem the most likely), but more than that will probably force the nuclear option. I am assuming here that the Republicans will all vote in favor; that George Voinovich won't start crying about his grandchildren again.
Lieberman is
quoted here as saying that he didn't think Roberts would provoke a filibuster.