Plamegate PeaksSo says
David Wallace-Wells of Slate, in a links-filled post.
Plucky liberal Joshua Micah Marshall offers what he hopes will be the Democratic line on the scandal. "The entire Wilson/Plame story and the Rove/White House criminal probe sub-story are just so many threads thrown off a much larger and more consquential ball of yarn: the administration's use of fraudulent evidence of an Iraqi nuclear weapons program to seal the deal for war on Iraq with the American people," he writes at TPMCafe. Atrios, E Pluribus Unum, Ed Cone, and others on the left are opening up another front in the war on Rove, passing around a New York Times column that attacks the advisor for turning 9/11 into a domestic political opportunity.Heheh. As Hugh Hewitt pointed out on the radio today, the Democrats hate it when Bush mentions 9-11 because it reminds everybody that the Democrats can't be trusted with the keys to the country.