Kerry Nickname Roundup--UpdateThis was a feature we had a lot of fun with over at Kerry Haters, and since the Ankle-Biters
came up with a new nickname for JFK II, I thought I'd dust it off:
Pinto, the Whining Windsurfer, Le Fraude, the International Man of Apology, the New-Wonk of Nuance, Lord of Louisburg Square, the Boston Fog Machine, Nuancy Boy, Botoxicated Brahmin, Lurch, Herman Munster, the International Man of Mystery, the Pandescenderer, Flipper, Mr Ed, Ol' Horseface, Flapjack, John Facade Kerry, John F'ing Kerry, John F Skerry (Scarey), Live Shot, The Againster, DYKWIA, Botox Boy, Ol' Sourpuss, Hanoi John, Hanoi Boi, Pterodactyl, Man from Mope, A Dressed-Up Abbie Hoffman, Scary Kerry Quite Contrary, the International Man of Science, Running Eagle, International Man of Farming, The Wizard of Wienieness, The Frenchurian Candidate, Senator Botox and the Boston Strangler. A total of 38!
Pinto, the new one
suggested by Ankle-Biters works on two levels. First, obviously, Kerry's first semester grade-point average is quite similar to Larry Kroger's in Animal House, and second, the horse tie-in, which always works with Longface Deeds (Doh! 39!).
Update: Third Wave Dave (in the comments) suggests Nabob of the Northeast, while Danegerus comes up with Napoleon Kerry-O-Mite. The count is now at 41 nicknames.