Blogger BuddiesHere's what's happening with some of our blogger buddies:
La Shawn Barber
is on a tear about the apology the Senate issued for not enacting anti-lynching legislation. I'm generally opposed to people apologizing for things they personally didn't do. If Bill Clinton wants to apologize for dragging the country through the Monica mess, that's one thing; if he wants to apologize for slavery, it's another.
Rick Moran over at Right Wing Nuthouse
says nice try to the folks pushing the Downing Street Memo:
Like Bullwinkle’s magician tricks, they keep coming up empty. (“Sorry…wrong hat!”)Professor Shade talks about the latest stunt the
anti-gas people are pedalling.
Tim Worstall has
some nice things to say about Paul Krugman and Brad DeLong over at the Globalization Institute.
Kitty's been doing a lot of book-blogging lately. She covers
Mark Fuhrman's upcoming book about Terry Schiavo, and
a detective book set in polygamy country.