Barone Gets It Right, As UsualCommenting on Rove's characterization of liberals,
Michael Barone notes:
One reason that the Democrats are squawking so much about Rove's attack on "liberals" is that he has put the focus on a fundamental split in the Democratic Party -- a split among its politicians and its voters.
On the one hand, there are those who believe that this is a fundamentally good country and want to see success in Iraq. On the other hand, there are those who believe this is a fundamentally bad country and want more than anything else to see George W. Bush fail.He's right; for the most part the actual politicos (except the odd Howard Dean or Dick Durbin) strike me as fundamentally on our side, but the rabid, partisan base is not.
(Doh! Original version of this cited Mort Kondracke as the writer--my bad!)