Survivor UpdateWell, despite my intentions, I'm back to watching Survivor. I gave it up after Survivor: Outback because I got annoyed when Colby took the wrong person to the finals with him and lost the money. Started watching Pearl Islands because of Ruppert, but once again the winner of the final immunity challenge took the wrong person to the finals. Watched a couple episodes of All-Stars, but lost interest because the one tribe kept voting off their strongest players, then was dumb enough not to vote off Amber when she was forced to switch tribes.
It's pretty much the same thing this season; with the Ulongs just completely hapless despite starting out with what appeared like the younger, stronger tribe. Early on, they were actually talking about voting off people because they were "threats". Here's a clue, Ulongs. "Threats" threaten to win challenges for you. The biggest threat Ulong faces is losing all their players before the merge.
Last night, there was only one challenge; the reward challenge. Both teams were required to go to tribal council, which some interpreted as helping Ulong, since the other tribe hadn't been forced to vote off any members. Of course, it also meant that Ulong had no chance to narrow the 4-person difference between the two tribes.
The challenge involved diving down to grab sake bottles. My immediate and uncharitable thought was that the big black guy, Ibrahem, might have some problems. Sure enough, he goes down one time, comes right back up. The second time he actually managed to get his hands on the bottle. But after giving it a yank that would not have taken a rattle from a sleeping baby's hands he gave up. Third time down he didn't even make an effort, and his teammates yelled at him to come back without the bottle.
By this time Ulong was easily one bottle behind, but they caught up as Ian was unable to locate the bottles. One of his teammates yelled out "They're white," which given that they'd already collected four of them, even Ian must have known. Eventually he located them, and suprisingly, then went back for the sixth trip. Although it was close, once again Ulong came up short.
Big surprise at tribal council. After voting off the old guy, Koror got to give immunity to one of the Ulong members. Probably knowing who's neck was on the chopping block, Koror chose Ibrahem. In an incredibly stupid move, the Ulongs then voted off tattoo girl. Granted, she's ugly, but she's been helping the team in the challenges unlike a couple of the guys (i.e., James).
For a more detailed look at last night's episode,
check here.