You're Breaking My Heart, You're Tearing It Apart, So (Bleep) YouA pretty funny old song from the early 1970s by Harry Nillson. The Daily Kos folks have
picked it up (Profanity Warning):
I'm a republican. (Bleep) you.
I'm a republican. I have my own pile of money. (Bleep) you.
I'm a republican. My kids go to private school. I don't care about your kids, or public schools. When my kids are better educated than yours, they will get better jobs and make more money than your kids. (Bleep) you.It goes on like that for about 20 stanzas. And the commenters have probably added another 200.
Remember, this is the biggest Democrat-oriented blog out there, one that Senator Barbara Boxer posted a thank you to. Simply amazing. Let us know when you're tired of losing, Democrats.
Hat Tip:
InDC Journal, who got it from the
Llama Butchers, who got it from