The Super Colossal Jeff Gannon Breaking News is UpBut I'm not going to provide the link. There's some full-frontal nudity there. Arguably one of the websites that Gannon had offered his services as an "escort" for gay men. You can Google "America Blog" if you're curious.
Some responses from our side:
InDC Journal:
I haven't come to a definitive conclusion about the innate newsworthiness of outing an allegedly former gay escort that had day credentials to White House briefings (escort services aren't even illegal on their face), but I'm sure of one thing: these bloggers are pathetic.Protein Wisdom:
Why, I sure don’t know the answer to that, John. But I can tell you this much: I eagerly await the investigation into the private loves of other White House reporters. Terry Moran, for instance, looks to me like he keeps a few pair of rubber undies in the closet. And Helen Thomas? My God, I bet there were nights in the late 70s when that sawed-off horny pit bull was about drowning in Lebanese flopper.Ace of Spades is
more decorous:
Make sure you just read their sites, and not the nasty leftoids they link too. They really ought not get traffic for this sort of crap.Red State:
I'd call it shameful if I had even a small hope that they'd recognize the concept.Meanwhile the fat kid
who must never be linked starts a rumor about somebody else going to a gay bar 10 years ago.