Lefty Bloggers on Gay Witchhunt--Welcome Salon & Daily Kos Readers (I suppose) and Definitely Welcome Men's News Daily, Sondra K, Chrenkoff, Right Wing News, InDC Journal, Instapundit, Polipundit & Ankle-Biting Pundit Readers (Whew!)(Thanks for visiting! If you like what you read here, you may also enjoy
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The big story in the lefty blogs today, getting easily as much attention over there as the Eason Jordan story on the right part of the blogosphere, is the supposed revelation that Talon News Reporter Jeff Gannon is gay. Don't have a clue as to whether it's true or not and couldn't care less. IIRC, I did link to Talon News once or twice over at KH, but I didn't kid myself that it was anything more than a seat-of-the-pants operation, and I don't particularly care what Mr Gannon (or whatever his name is; there is some dispute over that as well) does in his spare time or who he does it with.
explains why it's important:
So in addition to the "hyprocrisy and sex" thing, we've got the "hypocrisy and gay" thing.Not that there's anything wrong with that:
I, along with most liberals, couldn't care less if one of our colleagues or employees is gay.But if he's not a colleague or employee, screw 'im, eh?
Media Matters
covers it as well.
Talon News "reporter" Jeff Gannon's softball questions often steer White House press secretary Scott McClellan away from more difficult inquiries raised during White House press briefings; on several occasions, McClellan has turned to Gannon for his questions after other press corps members have asked pointed questions on controversial topics.Atrios
contributes a list of websites that are supposedly owned by Bedrock Corporation, who is supposedly controlled by Gannon, who supposedly is really named Jim Guckert.
somehow misses referencing anal sex in this snarkathon post about Gannon.
I mean, seriously. We hear constantly about how our side is gay intolerant. But who on our side would be interested if it turned out that some minor lefty or righty blogger/journalist turned out to be gay? I've heard rumors about various Republicans, but you know why? Because I read the lefty blogs. This may shock the left, but we really, really don't care who's gay. Letting us know won't change our opinion of them.
What it's really about? The liberals like to claim that it's hypocrisy, but you know how that goes; if you're a liberal gay journalist people would be horrified at the notion of "outing" you to the world like this, but if you're a conservative gay journalist it's quite alright. This is not about gay or straight, this is about liberal or conservative.
And who are they fired up about being gay? No offense to Mr Gannon, but he's a nobody. Hey, so am I for that matter. So if you're a little guy, and you're gay, and you're conservative... well, according to the tolerant left, you're fair game. And not only that, but worthy of being swarmed by the biggest bloggers on the left for signs of homosexuality.
Update: Gannon has
resigned his position with Talon. The Lefty bloggers have gotten their witch.
To reply to some of the comments:
I guess it's fair to say that his supposed running of gay porn sites makes it a little different than him just being gay. Not that there's anything wrong with either, right?
Some have focused on his supposed shilling for the President. I can see why that makes you dislike him; I still can't see what it has to do with him being gay. And although he was able to ask questions at White House Press Conferences, it's not as if his resignation is going to suddenly going to clear that room of any reporters sympathetic to the administration.
This is crap. You people care and you care deeply. It is an article of faith with you that Homosexuality is bad and that homosexuals deserve no protection from your bigoted storm-troopers. Yet gay people are at the very top of your party.Sort of disproved the theory that we don't like them, yourself, there, didn't you? For the record here, I oppose gay marriage because it isn't marriage. But, I recognize that the call for gay marriage is in response to legitimate grievances that gay couples have (e.g., being able to visit a partner in the ICU). I absolutely believe that we should redress those grievances, and that some form of civil union may be the best way to accomplish that.
Update II: Emailer
Chuck responds to the criticism of Talon News, and Charlie Quidnunc has a
podcast (with text version as well) of the story.
Charlie put a longer snippet of the Kos post on his site, which demonstrates that, at least for Kos, it's a gay issue:
In case this isn't clear enough, those last three are gay sex-themed names. Suddenly, his picture looks appropriately in character.John Hawkins has more including the
fevered fantasies of the DU crowd.
Update IIIFor those of you claiming it's not about Gannon being gay, you'll just have to agree to disagree with the
sainted Kos:
Asked if digging into someone's personal and business activities was proper retaliation, Moulitsas said: "If that's what it took to really bring attention to him, it's one of those unfortunate facts of reality in the way we operate today. It's sex that really draws attention to these things."I rest my case.
Hat Tip: