The Reality-Based Community? IX
Superhawk takes on the Bill Maher thread that we discussed yesterday, but uses it as a
jumping off point to some thoughts about the nature of the Left.
Think about it for a minute...the moonbat's aren't happy unless they see themselves in the role of the underdog. Put upon by an uncaring, unfeeling world; their moral and spiritual superiority unrecognized or suppressed by a cabal of greedy, corporate media elites or sinister Christian yahoos, moonbats stand on top of the battlements waving the bloody shirt as the rest of the world looks on with doe-eyed admiration.
Yes, that strikes me as spot on. Indeed, when you look at it in that light, I can't help wondering if we Republicans have missed the real significance of the Left's comparison of President Bush to Hitler. It's not so much that they are diminishing Hitler's evil, or expanding President Bush's perceived evil. It's that they are putting themselves in the position of the victims (and resisters) of the Holocaust. It's not about Bush or Hitler, it's about THEM.