About The Name
I realize it may be off-putting to some, so an explanation is in order. On Usenet, I originally posted under my own name. The problem with that, I found, was the amount of spam I received. So I started posting using the somewhat self-deprecating sounding nickname of Brain Death. I was given that name years earlier in a BBS chatroom for reasons that I won't go into here; believe it or not it was a compliment.
Anyway, the years go by and I begin to participate in a couple of IRC chatrooms. But often in those chatrooms, you will be disconnected, but the chatroom won't know it yet, so you name will still be on the screen. When you try to re-enter, the program will see that you are using a previously assigned name and kick you out. So Mirc, the program I use, asks you for a backup name. I chose Brainster as in the old Saturday Night Live gig where the guy next to the copy machine called everybody "The Mikester, Mikearoonius", etc.
Comes time to set up a blog and braindeath was already taken. GRRRR! So I just chose Brainster without thinking about it too much.