Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Ellie Light Revealed!Or if you believe this, I have a bridge to sell you. Well, the mystery may be over. A woman who said her name was, in fact, Ellie Light called this morning into the radio show of Michael Smerconish, a national talker based in Philadelphia who has been friendly to Obama, to clear things up.
"I'm only me," she said, identifying herself as a traveling nurse who works for 13-week stretches at hospitals around the country, and whose primary residence is in Southern California.
"I need to own up – I did misrepresent my home town in some places," Light told Smerconish. Her logic in faking the addresses is one familiar to advocacy groups: "If I thought it was written by a neighbor of mine, I would give it more credence." But according to Patterico, who's done yeoman work on this story since it broke, Ellie's claimed residency in 18 different states. Even if we accept her "13-week stretches" around the country claim, that would be at the most 4 states, and since her letter amounts to nothing more than whining that we aren't giving Obama enough time, I assume her letters only started popping up after November (and the Democratic losses in New Jersey and Virginia). And I doubt very strongly that she's really doing this 13-week rotation to begin with, or that she's the actual letter writer. And as Patterico points out, the issue is not who Ellie Light is, it's why she was able to fool so many editors around the country. The local paper here requires letter writers to include a phone number and always calls before running one of my letters. Labels: Astroturfing, Ellie Light
Monday, January 25, 2010
We're All Babies or IdiotsDepending on which liberal pundit you read today. Andrew Sullivan goes for the former: What you have here is big babyism. After the worst downturn in memory, bequeathed a massive and growing debt, two failing wars, a financial sector threatening to bring down the entire economy, Obama has betrayed this person by preventing a Second Great Depression. Yeah, who cares if unemployment is two percentage points higher than the One promised; at least it's not Hooverville time (yet). Andrew as usual can't read: If Obama and Bush had refused to bail out the banks, does this small business owner believe she'd be in business at all? According to her post she's not in business any longer: I was a small business owner during 2008 election and my business ultimately failed under the weight of a horrendous economy. Joe Klein, aka anonymous opts for dumb: Absolutely amazing poll results from CNN today about the $787 stimulus package: nearly three out of four Americans think the money has been wasted. On second thought, they may be right: it's been wasted on them. Indeed, the largest single item in the package--$288 billion--is tax relief for 95% of the American public. This money is that magical $60 to $80 per month you've been finding in your paycheck since last spring. Not a life changing amount, but helpful in paying the bills.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Foghorn Leghorn to Challenge McCainSwell, the right-wing is determined to be just as stupid as Jane Hamsher and Kos were with regard to Joe Lieberman. JD Hayworth's qualifications are that he lost his house seat in Scottsdale to a Democrat, for chrissakes, and he was a sportscaster.
Little Green Snotballs Gets Sudden RespectA little revisionist history of his association with Pajamas Media, and an announcement of his latest venture in Vanity Fair, along with a soft-focus profile in the New York Times. As Johnson recently reminded me, he once attempted a similar improvement on the blogosphere in 2004 by co-founding the conservative blog compendium Pajamas Media. He later repudiated it as “just another right-wing parrot organization” and sold off his share in 2007. I suggested to him that, in contrast to that particular project, we try to recruit bloggers who aren’t completely deranged. He agreed that this might be an effective approach. Of course, that wasn't the way he described it at the time, and by non-completely deranged bloggers, I assume he's talking about idiots like John Cole of Balloon Juice. Moron the alliance: Later this year, we’ll be launching a two-pronged campaign by which we hope to increase both the reach and efficiency of the blogosphere, as well as to bring pressure to bear on the media at large. Much of this effort will involve a loose network of bloggers that we’re now in the process of recruiting in order that we might all coordinate on exposing the failures of certain news outlets, for instance. This campaign is being planned in large part around software that’s currently in development by open-source advocate and information technology specialist Andrew Stein and which we believe will assist bloggers in making better use of their medium’s existing advantages; this system will provide for a measurable advance in the manner by which bloggers may distribute, obtain, evaluate, and build upon segments of information. Between the software in question and that skill set unique to those bloggers who have successfully adapted to the information age, we expect that we’ll have some success to the extent that we receive the assistance of others who are similarly concerned about the manner in which Americans are informed about crucial issues. Translation: We're forming another FAIR, and we hope that George Soros will give us some funding. In the Times piece: Now it is eight years later, and Johnson, who is 56, sits in the ashes of an epic flame war that has destroyed his relationships with nearly every one of his old right-wing allies. People who have pledged their lives to fighting Islamic extremism, when asked about Charles Johnson now, unsheathe a word they do not throw around lightly: “evil.” Glenn Beck has taken the time to denounce him on air and at length. Johnson himself (Mad King Charles is one of his most frequent, and most printable, Web nicknames) has used his technical know-how to block thousands of his former readers not just from commenting on his site but even, in many cases, from viewing its home page. What a genius; he knows how to do IP banning! Amazing (and futile, of course). We learn more of his mad skillz: There is some dispute, even today, as to who was the first to expose the fraud behind the so-called Killian documents, but Johnson will forever be associated with the episode because, unlike most other bloggers — who know as much about the technical workings of their medium as a poet is likely to know about a printing press — he had the wherewithal to create, almost instantly, an animated .gif image that toggled between the original letter and that same letter typed in Microsoft Word 32 years later, illustrating the issue in a way that no 500-word blog post could have done. It was a terrific post, but jeez, the wherewithal to create an animated .gif image is not exactly some arcane secret known to a few. The idea of doing it; that was the brilliant part. Anyway, it's further evidence that if you want to get attention and praise from the lamestream media, there's no better way than becoming a Republican for a few years and then going back to being a Democrat. Labels: Charles Johnson, Little Green Footballs
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Least Surprising News of the DayJohn Edwards: It's my kid. I am Quinn’s father. I will do everything in my power to provide her with the love and support she deserves. I have been able to spend time with her during the past year and trust that future efforts to show her the love and affection she deserves can be done privately and in peace. Labels: John Edwards, Rielle Hunter
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Gail Collins: Filibuster Has Prevented Obama from Doing AnythingWhat a joke this column is. Talking about the Massachusetts special election, Collins gripes that his status as the 41st Republican senator could prevent the health care bill from passing. She does a little exercise to show how only a small minority of the country could bring the process to a halt: There are 100 members of the Senate. But as Brown is currently reminding us, because of the filibuster rule, it takes only 41 to stop any bill from passing.
U.S. population: 307,006,550.
Population for the 20 least-populated states: 31,434,822.
That means that in the Senate, all it takes to stop legislation is one guy plus 40 senators representing 10.2 percent of the country. In theory, of course. In practice, the 40 Republican senators do not represent the 20 smallest states in population. Texas has two Republican senators and is the second largest state with a population of 24,000,000. Florida, the fourth largest, has one GOP senator. Getting back to Massachusetts, Collins talks a bit about the enthusiasm gap: The tea-party types are euphoric, pouring money in Brown’s direction. The people who voted for Barack Obama, meanwhile, are sullen and dispirited. This is, of course, partly because of the economy, but also partly because of the sense that the president is not getting anything done.
Which brings us back to the 10 percent rule. Don’t get me started again. Doggone those nasty Republicans! Why are they filibustering all the president's programs! Labels: Filibuster, Gail Collins, New York Times
Monday, January 11, 2010
Edwards the MonsterGood lord, what a tawdry tale the whole J ohn Edwards/Elizabeth Edwards/Rielle Hunter saga turns out to be. The Silky Pony comes off pretty poorly: Many of his friends started noticing a change—the arrival of what one of his aides referred to as “the ego monster”—after he was nearly chosen by Al Gore to be his running mate in 2000: the sudden interest in superficial stuff to which Edwards had been oblivious before, from the labels on his clothes to the size of his entourage. But the real transformation occurred in the 2004 race, and especially during the general election. Edwards reveled in being inside the bubble: the Secret Service, the chartered jet, the press pack, the swarm of factotums catering to his every whim. And the crowds! The ovations! The adoration! He ate it up. In the old days, when his aides asked how a rally had gone, he would roll his eyes and self-mockingly say, “Oh, they love me.” Now he would bound down from the stage beaming and exclaim, without the slightest shred of irony, “They looooove me!” Saint Elizabeth does even worse: With her husband, she could be intensely affectionate or brutally dismissive. At times subtly, at times blatantly, she was forever letting John know that she regarded him as her intellectual inferior. She called her spouse a “hick” in front of other people and derided his parents as rednecks. One time, when a friend asked if John had read a certain book, Elizabeth burst out laughing. “Oh, he doesn’t read books,” she said. “I’m the one who reads books.” It's an amazing read, but keep in mind that the sources for it are from the Edwards campaign and have a vested interest in maintaining their own viability for the future. Labels: Elizabeth Edwards, John Edwards, Rielle Hunter